May 06

Changing Lanes

I am tired of whining because the family members who used to participate in this website have moved on to other interests.  In all fairness, we’ve had issues with their ability to add new photos to the galleries at times but, lately, it seems they don’t even come by to check things out any more.

A while back, I got frustrated with being the only one here, more or less talking to myself.  I made the whole thing a blog and I think I’ve been pretty much alone ever since.  So this coming week, I am moving in a different direction.  Switching over to a more traveled road, so to speak.

This will now become a more public kind of space.  It’ll probably have a memoir feel at times, but I’ll also be looking at topics of interest to me.  Meditations on various subjects including, but not limited to, family relationships, genealogy, health, and just random subjects from current events.  I may even add in a little fictionalized history from time to time.

I hope to find company along the way.  Empty roads can be lonely, especially when it starts getting late.  I don’t need a constant companion, but occasional conversations keep the voices in my head at bay.

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1 comment!

  1. This is working. I enjoy the short family-related pieces and I’m looking forward to the other topics — both genealogy and health are of interest. Glad to have you on board for Readers’ Workouts!



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