Category: Meditations

Jan 10

A Small Stone ~ Day 1

HandsSome of the folks in my writing group over at Wordsmith Studio have found an interesting January writing challenge.  As with most things, I’m a little late to the game, but I’ve decided to try it anyway. 

The general idea is to focus sharply on something each day.  See, hear, feel, smell, taste, just be immersed.  Then write it down.  Not a long post or a story.  Just a description. 

So today, I offer tiny hands.  So small and fragile, yet strong.  Dimpled knuckles, chubby fingers.  Just learning to be useful. 

 They aren’t always reliable yet and sometimes they grasp unintentionally or open too soon, but they are constantly practicing.  Reaching, grabbing, pulling, squeezing.  Soft, pink, sweet. 


Dec 27

You’d Better Be Good

elfphotoI guess I’ve been living in some kind of “three monkeys” world, but I had never heard of the “Elf on the Shelf” until this year.  After reading the post by Kasie Whitener over at Life on Clemson Road about the “Elfing,” I did a little research and found out parents have been using these innocent little creatures to torture their children for several generations.

According to Wikipedia, the first version was told in the 1960s by Flora Johnson to her own children. It became a family tradition. When her grandson called in 1983 to tell her about the Elf who had showed up in his home, she decided to write her story down and publish it for other children to enjoy. For the next fifteen years, she made over 10,000 Elves and sold them with a children’s story book called “Book One: Christopher Pop-In-Kins Pops In” that her husband, Al, hand published. Her version of the toy and book has won numerous awards and can still be purchased today either online or at select toy stores listed on the company website.

The version reviewed by Kasie was written in 2005 by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell with illustrations by Coë Steinwart.  Their version is slicker, more modern and (dare I say, commercialized?) also available at various locations.

However, while the original story was mostly fun, with the little elf coming to spend December playing with the children and only returning to the North Pole on Christmas Eve, the newer one makes the Elf a spy for “that jolly old Elf.”  Watching to see if the child is “naughty or nice” and reporting back to Santa every night.  ( Read more )


Nov 07

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Melody Pearson

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On Facebook, many people are participating in a 30 days of saying Thanks.  Each morning you post an update to your status with a different thing that you are grateful for.  Some are extremely personal, others have a generalized lifetime gratitude kind of attitude.  Some are uplifting, others amusing, but the overall theme is lets think positively about our lives and appreciate the things we have instead of complaining about what’s missing.

Although celebrating a day of Thanksgiving on the third Thursday of November is an American tradition, this exercise can be international.  Everyone, wherever they are in the world, can look at their lives and think, “What can I find to say Thank you about today?” Then share it with the world. ( Read more )


Sep 14

Hanging On

Relationships are complicated and they never really end.  Even when you have no contact for years, the memory of that previous life still links you together.  Yesterday, I found out that my second ex-husband is dying.  I haven’t talked to him in more than 15 years.  The only time I’ve seen him since then was at our oldest daughter’s wedding.  He & his latest wife stayed on one side of the reception hall and I on the other.

If this gives you the idea that our breakup was nasty with bitterness all around, you’d be wrong.   We fought the same battles over and over, until I finally decided there would be no meeting of the minds and I couldn’t  live with the probable end result of that.  So, I took our two daughters and left.  We continued to communicate for a while.  He tried to reconcile and I cooperated at first, until it became obvious that we were still covering the same ground with the same result. Eventually, I moved away.  At the time, there was little in the way of employment opportunities here and I had two daughters to support.  I know that I destroyed his world.  That knowledge makes me sorrowful.  I know how devastated I would have been if the positions had been reversed.  Still, given the same circumstances, I’d have to do the same thing again.

If you think we still live in different states, that’s also wrong.  We live 30 minutes away from each other.  When I first returned home because my mother had been put in a rest home due to Alzhiemer’s, I was willing to build a relationship that would allow him to see our grandchildren when they came to visit me.  He rejected the offer.  He had remarried by then and seemed to think I was trying to damage his new relationship.  Again, I was sorrowful, this meant he would only get to spend part of one day with them, when their mother came to get them.  If he had been willing to accept my involvement, he could have had them all to himself for several days during the weeks they spent with me every summer. ( Read more )


Apr 14

Life in Flux

Things are always changing.  Every time we think we’ve got it all figured out, it changes.  The old saying “change or die” refers to the idea that everything in nature is either growing or dying.  I am definitely not dying yet.

Jeanne has commented to me several times lately that the mothers of several of her friends have died this year.  She says it’s a bad year for mothers and I need to be careful.  I consider it, briefly, and think being careful usually includes avoiding change.  Does that mean being careful moves me moving closer to death?

At the moment, I am hovering between.  It has occurred to me this year that I have less time left than I’ve got behind me.  I can easily remember most of the past 50 years of my life, the time since I turned 18.  Much of the time before that is available, but not in the same detail.  So, I can remember more time than I’ve got left to live.  It gives a different perspective. ( Read more )



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