Jun 05

Mary or Martha?

The first Monday of every month is my CWF meeting.  That acronym stand for Christian Women’s Fellowship.  We have a visitation portion while everyone gets settled, a short business section, including an offering, then a lesson.  The lessons vary greatly.  For several previous years we used a Bible study guide called Just Women (embracing life).  It was interesting, but we frequently found it difficult to apply the lessons to our own daily life.  This year our Leader, Mary Haylee Hancock, suggested we find our own way.  She began the year with an extensive dig into Esther that culminated, after several weeks of study, in a Purim celebration.  Encouraged by the success of this, we have continued to find our own way. 

This month, she turned the lesson over to Mary Zimmer.  Mary brought us to consideration of the difference between Mary and Martha in the book of Luke 10:38-42.  Martha is the doer, she worries about cooking, cleanup, all the preparations for guests.  Mary is the worshiper who sits at Jesus’ feet listening and learning His ways.  She then asked who, in our own lives, were examples for us of Mary and Martha, of the two different attitudes toward life.  Everyone had good examples and the discussion flowed well.  Finally, Mary Zimmer suggested we think about starting a Women’s Retreat to turn our thoughts more toward a Mary type of situation.

Next month, we will assemble in the church library to learn more about what books are available and choose one to report to the group about in August.  It sounds like another good discussion lesson.

I forgot to do my daily exercise by walking while I was in town, so I walked around the yard a couple of times when I got home and plan to do a Yoga session this afternoon.  I’m trying really hard to keep up the exercise routines I’ve scheduled.  I need to develop more stamina if I’m going to be able to indulge in hiking during our vacation.  Less than two weeks to go.  I am very excited.

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