Oct 12

Current Meditations Continue

Well, we had the discussion group and it went well.  Even though I hadn’t had the negative experiences of the book, I did find things to contribute.

I am still reading.  I finished The Heart of Christianity and I’m now working on The God We Never Knew, both by Marcus Borg.  Along the way, I’ve discovered details about the author that I never imagined.  He said he was in his thirties before reaching a point that he accepted God as real.  I know that many people question the existence of God in college.  I have decided it’s not really college that causes the doubt.  It’s a level of maturity.  I felt that way myself in my early twenties and I didn’t go to college until I was in my forties.

As I told the book discussion group, I tried to think of the world and my life without God and it scared me to death.  I cannot conceive a world without God.  The current book I’m reading is explaining a different concept of God.  It is a God all around us idea.  I am still working on understanding it.  More later….

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