Feb 23

Moving Is a Pain, Even in the Virtual World

I hate moving.  Packing everything up, shipping or loading it all, sorting it out at the destination, unpacking and arranging, searching for days to find things, fixing or replacing whatever got broken in transit…

We’ve moved our site to a new server.  We’re experienced at this.  We’ve done it before.  In spite of that it is a disaster.  Well, I guess it could be worse.   At least most of it is salvageable.

We prepared, like the professionals we are, by backing up the site.  We downloaded all the photos to my computer, so we could put them back, if necessary, although the gallery software promised to import them from the old site.  It’s not happening.  We haven’t given up yet, but we may have to simply rebuild all the galleries and upload everything manually.

We forwarded Kenneth’s saved emails from Vickie to my Outlook mailbox, so I could send them back to him after the move.  Jeanne said she wasn’t worried about her saved emails as long as her email address kept working.  Well, it works, but the security system on the servers where she works don’t like the new email protocol.  She can’t check her email from work.

Since there was no recent activity for the blog, we didn’t save the old posts.  Later I wished we had.  There were a couple of things there I would have liked to have kept.  I just didn’t think of it in the rush to get everything done.    Kind of like moving in the ‘real’ world.  You always overlook something.

So, the website looks kind of crappy at the moment.  The gallery links don’t work.  If you type in /gallery at the end of the web address, you can get there, but there’s nothing to see.  Please be patient.  We are working to get everything fixed.  When we are all unpacked and everything is properly arranged, we’ll send out messages so everyone can come visit.

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