Feb 26

Learning Curve

We are still working on resolving the gallery issues.  It is a learning process.  Tonight I have uploaded some of Jeanne’s photos.,  learned to create thumbnails for them (but there should be an easier way) and made a link for the gallery on the menu bar.   I still need to work on sorting them though.  The software seems to just throw them out there randomly.   Some of them kept the dates they were originally posted and others changed the date to today.  Very confusing.

We still aren’t happy with this way of listing the galleries.  We will need way too many to list on the menu bar.  Jim thinks, when we run out of room, it will just drop down another line.   At that rate, we might wind up with half a page of menu bar.  We need to figure out a way to make them drop down from one menu listing.  Jim says it may require a different template, but I’m very fond of the tree and the blue bars.  We’ll see.  I intended to change templates every month or so…it may be difficult to do if the template is going to limit what we can do with the galleries.

They say learning new software helps to keep your brain healthy and stave off Alzheimer’s.  This process seems like the equivalent of lifting 300 lb. weights.

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