Category: Random Thoughts

Feb 27

Incrementally learning the software.

Trial and error is still our normal methodology.  However, Jim did buy a book today: “WordPress for Dummies.”   That was after I spent the day figuring out how to add albums and set up gallery pages, then uploaded most of Jeanne’s pictures.

Once we have everything in place, I’ll write up some step-by-step instructions for each household and email them.  For now, each family will have an album which will contain galleries for each member or category.  I’m still working on the organization.

Patience is a virtue and learning new software is good for the brain, or so they tell us.  Right now, my brain is tired.  More next week.


Feb 24

Welcome everyone!

I for one am looking forward to the new Mamaw’s Homeplace. As they say change is good… and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Trust me when I say using this blog software won’t kill you or even make you ill, but it will help to improve our connection to each other in keeping in touch and sharing things such as pictures that are large enough that you can make prints if you want.

We’ll be getting each of you setup with a login account over the next few days so look for an email from sis and give the blog a chance as it’s an easy way to express yourself.



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