Jan 12

Small Stones ~ Day 3

As I have been working on the photos from my Roadtrips this past year in preparation for a guest post on the blog of a friend and colleague, I have been struck afresh by the fact that photographs are always “Small Stones,” frozen moments of time and place that allow us to make an in depth study of that instant whenever we want.

As always, the thought urges me to carry a camera everywhere I go.  Oh, wait, I do.  It’s called a cell phone.  The quality may not always be the best, but it allows me to “see” things I might not have noticed as I was snapping the picture.  So, for today’s offering, I present some of the pictures I took with my cellphone as I traveled this past year:



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  1. April Galloway says:

    Thanks Kenya. It seemed appropriate to me because I am frequently amazed when I look at a photo and see things that I just didn’t notice while I was shooting it.

  2. About 4 years ago I asked for a camera that was easy for me to carry around in my purse and take more pictures. It wasn’t until I had a decent camera on my cellphone that I really started doing that. It’s crazy how my cellphone has more megapixels than the pocket camera I had. I take a lot of pictures like your one with the tea. The picture of the church is absolutely beautiful! I love blue sky days like that.



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