Jan 10

A Small Stone ~ Day 1

HandsSome of the folks in my writing group over at Wordsmith Studio have found an interesting January writing challenge.  As with most things, I’m a little late to the game, but I’ve decided to try it anyway. 

The general idea is to focus sharply on something each day.  See, hear, feel, smell, taste, just be immersed.  Then write it down.  Not a long post or a story.  Just a description. 

So today, I offer tiny hands.  So small and fragile, yet strong.  Dimpled knuckles, chubby fingers.  Just learning to be useful. 

 They aren’t always reliable yet and sometimes they grasp unintentionally or open too soon, but they are constantly practicing.  Reaching, grabbing, pulling, squeezing.  Soft, pink, sweet. 

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  1. Amanda Socci says:

    Cute. Very nice first entry.

  2. Love the descriptions of the tiny little hands. Excellent word choices!



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