Apr 18

Reading to Write

See how cleverly I am promoting my writing blog?  This post is all about the reason I haven’t had time to write more.  It’s because I’m so busy reading.  ;~D.

Actually, I’ve been busy with the “My Name Is Not Bob” April Platform Building Challenge.  It’s a series of blog posts by Robert Brewer whose blog I’ve followed for a couple of years now.  He has made an assignment each day for us to work on organizing our way to being able to easily promote our work.

A big part of  his advice has been to engage in Social Media.  Yeah, that’s right.  Just when I was trying to disengage from Facebook, he’s got me adding Twitter and Google+ to an already cluttered mix.  But, he’s also helping us learn how to set it up so it works semi-automatically.  I can push my blog posts out to all the sites without having to actually go there and get sucked into the games, videos, cute photos, etc.

Of course, along the way, I’ve also signed up to “follow” a great many other writers, because networking is also part of having a solid platform.  Fascinating people who daily suck me into spending time with them.  However, at least they are offering me inspiration and insight into what it takes to actually be a writer instead of just calling myself one.  So, instead of spending my mornings playing games or crawling through the Facebook swamp of drama, I’m actually honing my skills by reading what other writers do to keep themselves motivated and how they manage their time.

If I don’t respond as quickly as possible to your Facebook posts, come on by one of the blogs and leave a comment.  I’m trying to pay much more attention to that than Facebook for now.

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